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From medical and wellness treatments to cosmetic treatments, we at Midland Family Care can help you improve your quality of life in a variety of ways.

Allergy Testing and 
Convenient At home Treatment

Got Allergies? Get Relief. 

We offer allergy skin testing with convenient in-home treatments for ages 5 and up. Results in as little as 20 minutes! No more waiting hours in the doctor’s office for your injections, do them safe and effectively in the comfort of your own home. Call today for your appointment and be on your way to a better healthier you!

Laser Snore Treatment


What causes Snoring?

Snoring occurs when air is not able to move freely through your nose and mouth during sleep.  This is due to a narrowing of your airway, which causes the tissue to vibrate and make an audible sound.  In extreme cases the airway can become blocked which is known as obstructive sleep apnea.  Many factors can contribute to snoring, such as age, nasal and sinus problems, being overweight, alcohol, smoking, medications and sleep posture. 

What is the impact of

Snoring has a number of consequences that can impact the life of a snorer and his/her sleep partner.  Sleep depravtion as a result of snoring has a negative impact on health and quality of life.  Snorers can experience tiredness, morning headaches, irritability, dry mouth, and relationship difficulties.  Studies have also shown a link between snoring and increase risk of heart attack and stroke.

What are the treatment options?

Most treatments for snoring attempt to keep the breathing passages open.  Specially made dental appliances can be effective, but rely on daily compliance.  Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) systems are often used to help control sleep apnea and the snoring associated with it, however these devises can be very uncomfortable.  There are surgical options as well for correcting snoring which usually involve removal of tissue from the uvula and the pharynx but these surgeries are invasive and can result in a lengthy and uncomfortable recovery period following the 

What is NIGHTLase?

NIGHTLase is a leading-edge laser procedure for the treatment of snoring, offered exclusively with Fotona lasers.  It is a non-invasive, No appliances, simple and effective way of reducing or eliminating snoring. 


Laser energy is used to heat the tissues of the airway causing a tightening effect which helps to keep your airway open.  The treatment is performed with approximately three short treatments spaced over two months and require no anesthesia.  The procedure is comfortable and you can resume your daily routine immediately afterwards.  Results are often seen after the second session.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Pellets are the most natural way to deliver bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) in both men and women. Pellets deliver a CONSISTENT release of hormone levels over an extended period of time, typically 3–6 months. Best of all, your dosage is customized based on YOUR labs and needs.

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Are you ready to experience hormonal relief without taking a daily medication? Now you can with Pro-Pell’s Hormone Pellet Therapy. Symptoms of hormonal imbalance can affect your everyday life, but you don’t have to let it! With the help of our practice you can be living the life you never knew was possible!

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Dozens of glands are producing various hormones all the time & are affected by our daily habits! Tiny shifts in any hormone can alter other aspects of your body such as body temperature, memory, eating habits, and many other functions. Balance is Key!

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In both men and women, hormones such as progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen influence both mood and behavior. A fluctuation or rapid change in these hormone levels results in mild to intense mood swings. 


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Low energy can be a symptom of Hormonal Imbalance. With the help of BHRT you can get your energy back, so you can live the active life you love! 

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Did you know that hormones play an important role in sexual function for both men and women?

Restore your function…NATURALLY!


IV Hydration Therapy

This is a type of therapy commonly used for its wide range of health benefits, which can include anti-aging, improved immune system, reversed symptoms of hangovers and more.


Because IV treatment is administered directly into the veins, the results may be faster than those of oral or other traditional medicines. Physicians believe IV nutrient therapy can be safe, effective and restorative.

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Immunity $145

Vitamins C, B Complex, and Zinc

  • Protects against infection

  • Improves healing time

  • Builds up immune system

  • Reduces duration of illness

Designed to help your immune system, prevent illness, and make you feel better faster after getting sick. This IV helps the body’s healing process with Zinc and protects cells from free-radical damage with Ascorbic Acid.

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Quench $165

Vitamins C, B Complex, and Minerals

  • Rehydrates

  • Detoxes your system

  • Restores essential vitamins

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Fights fatigue

  • Improves hangovers

Rehydrate your body and combat fatigue caused from dehydration with Quench IV Kit. This Kit includes 6 treatments of premium-quality compounds designed to replenish the fluids needed for optimal wellness.

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